From £174.50 + VAT per 50 litre bag (for approved contractor installation only)

Super-insulating Aerogel plaster – Fixit 222

Fixit 222 aerogel insulating lime plaster is:-

  • highly insulating lime plaster with a conductivity of 0.026 W/mK
  • for insulating internal and external areas of masonry walling.
  • ideal for insulating buildings where space is restricted or surfaces are uneven.
  • a non-combustible, breathable insulation.

Product overview

Where is it used?

  • Fixit 222 aerogel insulating lime plaster can be used internally or externally on masonry walls.
  • It can be used on all types of modern and historic masonry but is ideal for use in stone or brick buildings where vapour permeability is important.
  • It should not be used at plinth level on the exterior.
  • Can be used in basements.

How is it used?

  • This product is for purchase and installation by trained installers only.
  • First, the surface of the walling may require preparation with a spatterdash coat to ensure a good key.
  • A stainless steel mesh may be fixed and stood off the wall if it is very uneven to ensure good adhesion and levelling of the surface and allows render application over timbers.
  • Fixit 222 is then machine applied (sprayed) at a minimum of 30mm or up to 150mm in one coat.
  • The aerogel plaster should then be left for a minimum of 21 days, up to 35 days to cure, during which time it should be wetted regularly during dry and warm weather.
  • Once cured, the surface can be scraped to give a texture for subsequent coatings.
  • A coat of Fixit 493 silicate primer should be applied to the surface and left for 24 hours to cure.
  • After curing a 5mm coat of Fixit 223 contact mortar with fibreglass mesh should be applied before any finish coats.
  • The surface will then take any type of internal or external lime finish coat plaster.

How much will you need?

Fixit 222 aerogel insulating lime plaster has a density of 0.2kg per mm per m² (1mm thickness of plaster over 1m²). Each 10kg bag (50 litres) of will cover up to 1.6m² at 30mm thickness or 1m² at 50mm thickness.

Here you can see what thickness of plaster is required for a given U-value on a common solid brick wall. Solid stone masonry will give a similar overall performance.

Thickness of Fixit 222 on a common solid brick wallU-value achieved
30mm (minimum thickness)0.57 W/m²K
40mm0.48 W/m²K
50mm0.40 W/m²K
60mm0.35 W/m²K
75mm0.29 W/m²K
100mm0.23 W/m²K

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to cure?

Curing times vary with temperature and humidity but the product should be left for a minimum of 21 days to cure with thicknesses over 100mm requiring 35 days. After this time, the primer can be applied to the surface and subsequent coatings applied.

Is it suitable for old buildings?

  • This product is very vapour permeable and has been engineered to be even more so than traditional lime putty or hydraulic lime plasters making it ideal for all sorts of historic substrates. It is also a fairly soft product and so does not do any damage to historic building materials.
  • This product is also suited to new buildings and due to it’s high thermal mass, it reduces surface condensation, keeping rendered facades cleaner for longer.

Product videos

Play Video

This video clip shows how the Fixit 222 is applied to the wall surface. It can be hand applied in small areas but this way traps plenty of air within the structure of the plaster, ensuring the highest insulation performance.

Pricing & shipping

This product will require one pallet space and so shipping is likely to cost between £50 and £100, depending on where you live. Contact Us for a more accurate costing.

Bag weight (kg) Coverage [m²]Single bag costFull pallet bag cost
101m2 @ 50mm£193.89£174.50

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We’re normally open from 8.30 am to 5 pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30 am to 1pm on Friday.
