From £26.49 + VAT per 30m roll

Nail Sealing Tape – Ampacoll ND Duo – 60mm x 30m

Ampacoll ND Duo nail sealing tape is:-

  • a double sided, PVC-free closed cell foam adhesive tape for sealing under roofing battens.
  • a completely airtight and watertight tape for preventing moisture penetration around nail penetrations.
  • Suitable for use with all Ampack external membrane systems on roof pitches down to 5°.
  • suitable for internal use on top of timber floor joists, to ensure complete sealing of VCL membranes.
  • suitable for winter application down to 0°C.

Product overview

Where is it used?

  • Ampacoll ND Duo is used under counter-battens on roofs to ensure there is no moisture penetration through nail holes in roofing membranes.
  • It can also be used to seal the top of floor joists when installing a VCL membrane into a suspended floor as it ensures that nails used to hold down floor boards are sealed around, even if they are later removed.

How is it used?

  • Surfaces should be clean, dry and free of dust before the tape is applied and should be above 5° pitch.
  • If counter-battening over a membrane laid on top of wood fibre sarking boards, ensure the membrane is held in place first with the Ampacoll DT double sided tape to prevent it moving or blowing out of position.
  • Apply the Ampacoll ND Duo to the underside of the counter batten first and then peel a small section of the release paper from the surface of the tape to allow the batten to be stuck to the surface of the membrane.
  • Lay the batten in the correct position and carefully remove the rest of the release paper to ensure the batten sticks in the correct location.
  • Nail or screw the counter-batten in position.
  • For timber joists, once the VCL is installed bond the Ampacoll ND Duo to the surface of the membrane directly on the top of the joists.
  • Removing the release paper board by board, lay and fix floor boards in position with nails or screws.

How much will you need?

  • Each roll of Ampacoll ND Duo tape is 60mm wide and 30m long.
  • Allow 2m per m² for counter-battens or joists at 600mm centres or 3m per m² for counter-battens/joists at 400mm centres.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use this tape in winter?

Yes, you can use it in temperatures all the way down to 0°C.

Will it stick in wet conditions?

No, the surfaces must be clean and dry. If they are dirty, use the Ampacoll Primax Primer.

Technical details

Pricing & shipping

This product comes in a small box and so will be sent by courier, costing around £13 + VAT.

Thinkness [mm]Roll width [mm]Roll length [m]Number of rolls per boxAmount of tape per box [m]Type of backingSingle roll costRoll cost in full boxes
3mm60mm30m8240msingle solid£29.44£26.49

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