From £22.48 + VAT per 35kg bag

Coarse renovating render/plaster – Baumit SanovaPor

Baumit SanovaPor render is:-

  • a hydrophobic, course grained, renovating render for salt contaminated masonry.
  • highly vapour permeable and allows damp masonry to dry.
  • a lime based render, great for all types of solid masonry, historic or modern.
  • suitable as a base coat and a coarse grained top coat for areas requiring greater thicknesses.

Product overview

Where is it used?

  • Internally and externally, including splash zones and wet rooms.
  • Baumit SanovaPor lime render can be applied on to all types of dense masonry such as natural stone, brick, concrete block and cast concrete.
  • It can be used as a base coat and a plain finish coat which can then receive decoration with a range of Baumit paints internally or Baumit decorative finish renders externally.

How is it used?

  • Baumit SanovaPor is designed for machine  and hand application. When hand mixing it should be mixed with clean tap water (7-8 litres per bag) using an electric whisk to a smooth creamy consistency and applied by hand with a steel trowel.
  • Existing plasters/renders should be removed up to 1m above the moisture line and surfaces should be primed with Baumit SanovaPre.
  • Each coat must be a minimum of 10mm.
  • It should be applied at a minimum of 20mm ( 2 x 10mm coats) for sulphate and chloride contamination or 30mm (2 x 15mm coats) for nitrate contamination.
  • Baumit StarTex mesh should be incorporated into the outer third of the base coat if the substrate is damp or made of dissimilar materials.
  • The base coat should be finished with a grid plane to create a suitable key for decorative topcoat renders.
  • When used as a finish coat it can be sponge finished and painted
  • For more details, please read the product data sheet.

How much will you need?

Baumit SanovaPor has a low density of 1.2kg per mm per m² (1mm thickness of plaster over 1m²). Each 35kg bag of Baumit SP64 G will cover up to 1.4m² at 20mm thickness.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to set?

Setting times vary with temperature and humidity but in the summer the product will usually stiffen enough to finish in a few hours and set hard overnight. In winter stiffening may be extended to more than one day with hardening more than two days.

Is it suitable for old buildings?

Baumit SanovaPor is a renovating plaster designed to be used on older buildings that may be suffering from salt contamination in the masonry walls. It is highly breathable and encourages the drying of walls so is ideally suited to use on older buildings that have vapour permeable masonry.

Technical details

Pricing & shipping

This product will require one pallet space and so shipping is likely to cost between £50 and £100, depending on where you live. Contact Us for a more accurate costing.

Bag weight (kg) Coverage [m²]Single bag costFull pallet bag cost
251.9 @ 15mm£24.97£22.47

Book your free project consultation

We’d like to hear from you. Call us on 01392 861763 or email us at with any questions or comments.

If you can’t seem to find what you need on our website or you have large quantities of materials to purchase please contact us for a chat and we’ll offer you a more bespoke solution.

We’re normally open from 8.30 am to 5 pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30 am to 1pm on Friday.
