
Passivhaus performance data

Find out more about the passive house standard of building. We have an ever growing database of information relating to the temperature and relative humidity of a passivhaus building. Externally we’re using a Davis weather station to produce a weather…

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Heatwave performance charts

Find out more about the passive house standard of building. From the data that we have collected from the Silverton Passivhaus since May, the most interesting period, in terms of the house’s performance, was during the heatwave in July. We…

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Thermal Mass

Find out more about how we approach this building scenario. I was sent a very interesting thesis entitled ‘A Comparative Study of the Effects of Thermal Mass in New Dwellings in Scotland’ by Janice Foster. The paper researches how thermal…

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Unger Licensing Course

Find out more about how we approach this building scenario. Today (4th December) we’ve finished another very successful Unger licensing course. This is a two day course on all of our Unger-Diffutherm wood fibre insulation systems and was the first…

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Passivhaus carbon emissions

Find out more about the passive house standard of building. There is a perception that Passivhaus buildings use hardly any energy because of all of the insulation they contain. Whilst this construction standard provides unrivalled comfort and massively reduces the…

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Find out more about our latest industry news. This year we will be attending the Ecobuild exhibition at ExCeL in London. It is, according to the organisers, the worlds largest sustainability exhibition and is also the UK largest building exhibition.…

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Beyond Ecobuild

Find out more about our latest industry news. Ecobuild 2014 was great for us!! We had 3-400 people visit the stand over the three days and some of these people had very exciting projects that they want us to get…

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Acoustic Insulation

Find out more about how we approach this building scenario. Having blogged previously about the many attributes of our natural insulation products beyond just thermal insulation I thought I’d elaborate more on each attribute. Because of the types of materials…

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